Open a broker account

Broker Account Features

  • Brokers are allowed to list their properties.
  • You can easily find the property by searching for the location, type of property, number of rooms, type of finishing or price in your property portfolio.
  • Properties can be offered on the market to any other client or broker.
  • You can create a PDF file with information and pictures of the property and send it to whoever you want.
  • Clients or brokers can order these properties.
  • The broker - the property publisher - will receive requests instantly on his/her mobile phone.

The service is free for now. Read also: Seller Responsibilities

To open a broker account - choose “My Properties” from the bottom menu. When the broker registration screen appears, click “Register a new broker”

Fill in the company name and broker type, then click “New Account.”

The same phone number, name, and registered email of the user are used to open the broker account.

Processing a broker's registration request takes from half to an hour. When finished, you will receive a confirmation message.

How do you know that your broker account is ready?

If you did not receive the confirmation message within the hour, do the following:

Close the application. Open the application again. Log in. Choose “My Properties” from the bottom menu.

If the page does not open Broker portfolio Contact Brokers United through the “Contact Us” screen from the main menu or send an email to: